MLA Regenerative AG Field Day

MLA Regenerative AG Field Day

Join Grazing Naturally's Dick Richardson and Dartmoor's owners as they show you through their demonstration site paddocks. 

Hear feedback on the MLA Regerative Grazing Project and the three host properties involved. 

Join the discussion on grazing systems, forage budgets, pasture utilisation, monitoring tools and evaluating of projects such as this. 

Network with local landholders.

Monday 9 May Dartmoor Station 

50km SW of Collinsville (35mins by road) 

8am-12noon (lunch provided) 

For more information and to reserve a spot please contact: 

Neil Cupples 0423 327 706 

Sheridan Callcott 0439 421 994 

RSVP by 30 April for catering 

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